Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Finally settling in...

So I posted the old post I'll continue here...

Last week was moving and interviewing and Thanksgiving. Julia decided to have the orphan Thanksgiving at her house this year. Quite a few friends were out of town but 13 people still came and I split dinner duties with Julia. Of course there were plenty of others who contributed amazing dishes... I had to be there early since the turkey was my responsibility as usual. Yams, like last year, seem to be the bane of our existence and two spills smoked us out of the house. My eyeballs will never be the same again. My 5 dollar turkey was the best one I have ever made and the rest of dinner was fantastic as well. We had a great time hanging out in the Tiki Bar at Julia's new little complex and had an after dinner game of Apples to Apples that was truly hilarious. Somehow the night went haywire and we ended up karaoking in Weho. I finally rolled home around 3am exhausted. It was a really nice time.

My end date for surviving last week was last night once I registered for school at 7pm. I have all the classes I need including the addition of my Paris transcript so I can skip a class. I keep getting these quick pangs of panic that there's something I should be doing or something that I've missed. I suppose it's just end of semester jitters. Last semester I completely forgot about a final and I'm not looking to repeat that anytime soon. I have two major French presentations next week, two papers, and those are before I have to start gearing up for finals. Regardless of my worries I'm sure it'll be fine once it's all said and done.

I'm slowly getting used to my new house. My first night was a little weird. I kept getting up to check random things, the bed wasn't so comfortable, and so on. The next nights were great. I adore my new mattress that my body doesn't half hang off of. The best part of the house is that I can relax finally and not worry that my every movement is disturbing the neighbors. I can play my TV as loud as I wish, I can let the dogs run around at 11pm without having to get after them, it's fantastic. I'm having my first little get together on Saturday before everyone leaves for the holidays. The tree is up with lights on and I nearly have all the debris put away and in it's proper place from the move. There have already been some fun nights of wine and cheese and conversation, and I feel really grateful.