Monday, April 12, 2010

April Showers Bring May Panic

It's April already. I can hardly understand how we got here. The semester has flown by and now I'm a month away from graduation. This has me extremely excited and extremely scared all at the same time. I'm looking forward to actually receiving a paycheck and not spending every minute slightly panicky at the homework I should be doing but am not. I'm trying to decide what I want to do, or rather, what I think I might want to do while understanding that once June rolls around, finding my ideal job will simply turn into finding any job that will allow me to keep paying my rent. I applied for a dream job in Paris. I want it but I also want the one that's going to be most right for me. Since I have no clue what I'm doing I'm trusting God to work it out for me. I think that goes with pretty much everything about my life.

So what have I been doing the last few months? That's a fine question. The start of school and start of my internship took up the rest of January. I got an interim roommate since my friend Beth moved in temporarily to save money for her move to London. She was fantastic to have around. We made good food, we drank good wine, she brought home chips and ice cream at appropriate times, and provided excellent company and conversation. I was desperately sorry to see her go a couple of weeks ago. However, I'm happy that she is living out her dreams and made it to the city she wants to be in. We were busy before her departure making sure she got to see the parts of LA she wanted to see, and then the subsequent going away gatherings. We then ended up in Las Vegas as her send off. I only had two days between that and my spring break trip to NY/DC. I just got back from that yesterday.

The trip was fantastic! I landed in New York only 20 minutes after my original eta, which is a miracle since I missed my first flight and had to fly standby on a different route. I had no problems with the first flight but the second one was nothing but stress. I ended up not making the first flight to LGA from Chicago, then I was 16th on the standby list for the second one. I didn't think I had a chance, but so many people didn't show up, that in a very dramatic ending, three of us were escorted onto the jetway so they could let us on immediately if the computer hadn't glitched and there were indeed free seats. There were! And I made the flight. Marion, whom I used to stay with when working in Pearl River, picked me up and after a giant debacle with my bag and an unexpected drive to JFK to get it, we picked up a ton of White Castle and went home for a midnight snack. The next day we just hung out until it was time for drinks with my friend Siobhan. We had a really nice visit but Saturday morning came all too early and we needed to be in Manhattan by 11am to pick up my Paris friend Rachel from her bus. She came all the way from Philly to see me!