Well, alot can happen in a very short time. Since we last spoke there have been so many changes and life has been extremely busy. School is finally finished and that seemed very much like it happened by the skin of my teeth. Between work and papers I haven't had much time to even breathe. Dissertation proposals finished on Wednesday and in celebration of that and my birthday we all went out last night and had an amazing crazy night in the W6 (post code). So much love to everyone that made it one of the best birthdays ever and I can't help but marvel at how quickly I have found friends and a life here. 31 is shaping up to be a pretty good year.
In further news...I should know by now that life just happens and the most amazing things come when you least expect them. A principle I should probably try to remember in EVERY aspect of my life although that's harder in practice.
In a strange turn of events the current trial manager of the pub turned down the job and recommended me! Crazily enough the owners agreed and offered me the job. As of last week I am the new acting Manager of the coziest pub in London! They will also sponsor me to stay in England if all goes well and I am beyond grateful and happy and relieved. I'm not sure what it means or where it will take me, but then again I always have lived my life like that and it has always turned out for the best. It has been a stressful first week as I seem to be getting initiated in my new responsibilities pretty hard and fast but I know it's nothing I can't handle and I have plenty of help and support to do so. So yay!!!
Last week we managed to squeeze in a couple of days in Edinburgh with our friend Paraic and we had the most fun time...when I wasn't writing my paper that is. We have now made further plans to meet for a quick trip to Paris in June for a really crazed two days of Fete de la Musique and Disneyland Paris. Looking forward to quick jaunts all over Europe this summer. Speaking of summer, I wish it would come already. It's been what you typically picture of the UK the last few weeks. Rain, drizzle, rain....blah. I broke down and bought some cute rain boots after having wet feet too many days in a row.