Sunday, May 3, 2009

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto

I officially entered my screenplay into the Nicholls Competition. I wasn't going to since I didn't have time to re-write it but my sister threatened my life and she scares me, so I did it. It was oddly scary uploading it and pushing 'send.' Now I'm going to forget about it and move on.
I've been insanely busy lately. My social life is going crazy and with school nearing an end I'm trying not to lose my mind. My friend Brady's wedding is coming up soon as well and needing to pack and finalize everything is pushing me to panic. Who thought another 6 week trip would be a good idea? Oh right, it was me. But Paris for 4 weeks is nothing to complain about and neither is hitting my 4th continent. I just can't wait until all the insanity is over and I'm flying blissfully along 35,000 feet in the air.

I took a Myers-Briggs personality test tonight because Shannon was curious. This is a very appropriate part from my ENFP/J scoring.
"ENFJ's are so externally focused that it's especially important for them to spend time alone. This can be difficult for some ENFJs, because they have the tendency to be hard on themselves and turn to dark thoughts when alone. " So on that note...
Its almost 2am and I am driving myself slowly insane. If you could look inside my head it would look like the initial tornado scene from The Wizard of Oz. Instead of cows and barn doors swirling around, its random thoughts whooshing by me so fast I can't grab ahold of even one long enough to examine it and put it away. The personality test was so accurate it was scary. If you'd like to know about me type in ENFP into google....ENFJ was a close second.

I always knew I would be punished for certain sins by the whole karmic system, so I have been on the lookout for how said punishment would be dealt to me. I think I've spotted what it is... slow death by torture. Meaning I am going to have to wait and wait and wait and wait and WAIT for what I really want. Which, we all do, that's not the worst of it. The punishment part is that life tied me to a chair and then promptly began dangling what I want right in front of me. So close, yet so far away, has never been more appropriate.

Random thought from an insomniac sci-fi nerd: The best thing about Battlestar Galactica besides the total deliciousness that is Lee Adama, is that they promptly knock-off all the desperately annoying characters in two episodes or less.

Also, it would be fantastic if people came with 'off' switches. Not really a switch but more like some sort of internal timer, maybe on your arm. You program in 'Wake up 7am' and BEEP...with one touch you're out like a light. Promptly at 7am the next morning, BING, you wake up completely rested and refreshed. No bleary, crusty eyes. No grogginess. No crusty remnants of drool in the corner of your mouth. No snooze button required. Just awake and ready to go, chipper and cheery. I should have a chat with God about his blueprints.

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