Friday, October 7, 2011

Life in London

We're finally living in London! I can't believe it's been over two weeks already. We've had some troubles with actually getting internet in our apartment and the sketchy one we've been paying for has finally decided to work properly so I thought I'd start my blog again.

We got here and pretty much jumped right into things. We had welcome drinks at the wine bar down the street with our roommate, get signed up for classes, and everything else administrative that needed to be done. And that sentence makes it sound so much easier than it was. The first week or so it seemed like we hit every possible frustration and annoyance. The dogs had a bit of trouble but managed to make it here. From money issues, to having pants too long for shoes that weren't comfortable enough to walk anywhere, to the Tube pass machines not taking credit cards for no good has been a bit of a struggle but we've managed alright. What is most surprising is how at home I feel here.

I've joined the university chorus which makes me proud of myself. Since I'm normally terribly lazy I struggle to make the changes in my life I want to see. I said before I came I wanted to get back to singing and now I have. Now after the first rehearsal I realize that so much disuse of my voice has cost me most of my range. Oh well, practice will help. Poor neighbors...

We've been getting the in's and out's of traffic here as well. Apparently a green man doesn't always mean walk if you're in the driver's seat. A car nearly hit a group of us and one girl yelled out, "IT'S BLOODY GREEN!" Which just made me laugh like a maniac. For the same language there are quite a few sayings that do not translate or they translate but the comic factor is out of this world. Some of the girls in my program and I went for coffee in the cafe that is actually inside Russell Gardens (very pretty) and discussed the differences. Speaking of my program. I really love it! Global Migration and UCL was definitely the right choice. There is only one guy in the program, which is hilarious, and the group is very diverse. There are quite a few countries represented which brings an interesting dimension to discussions - England, Estonia, Norway, Canada, Italy, Romania, etc.

Well, it is time I did my reading for my International European and Refugee Law course....yeah I'm hoping it's not as bad as it sounds. Pictures to be posted on the next entry.

1 comment:

Super Joey said...

Hooray! Chorus, diverse group of peers! LONDON. I am so excited for you and your posts along the way :) Cuddles for the Rupp Pups