Needed a place to keep tabs on my life now that everyday brings something new and uncertain.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
One is the Loneliest Number aka Insomnia - Episode 382

Friday, September 26, 2008
Death makes me think too much
Friday, September 19, 2008
Fat little Mii
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Run little hamster, run

To the left you'll see my friend Bethany in Santa Monica. I was particularly proud of the photo so I'm sharing it.
I have had a headache for days. When I say headache I mean that it feels like I could have a 1lb brain tumor pushing on my skull. It's possible that the hamster in the wheel in my head is trying to make a break for it through my ear...hmmmm...that could be a problem. At any rate, I'm dropping smoking and these diet pill things I've been on. I need to do both of those anyway so keep your fingers crossed. It's hard to jog when you're gasping for breath.
Things have quieted down at my house, sort of. I've been keeping busy with visiting friends and I've started working for my two friends Kerstin and Tami to construct their website. They've got a fabulous business selling unique baby gifts and once I'm done with the website I'll post the link here so you can go look. I'm trying not to be totally annoyed that I did not get the job with the zoo. I'm not entirely sure why I didn't get a call but it didn't bode well when she said, "I wanted to give a wide range of people a chance but after looking at your resume, well, I just couldn't help but wonder why you'd want to work here?" I thought I made it very clear that I needed something very part-time, something VERY simple. It reminded me of that scene from American Beauty:
Mr. Smiley's Manager: I don't think you'd fit in here.
Lester: I have fast food experience.
Mr. Smiley's Manager: Yeah, like twenty years ago!
Lester: Well, I'm sure there have been amazing technological advances in the industry, but surely you must have some sort of training program. It seems unfair to presume I won't be able to learn.
She also made comments about how I've always moved up to management and I certainly hope she wasn't in fear for her job. I couldn't even begin to guess. Julia was mistaken and they don't have penguins there anyway, so whatever. It must be God's way of telling me to get my butt in gear and write my book, that I have actually started, by the way. Maybe by telling everyone I'll be pressured into finishing it. Speaking of which, I got a compliment on my writing from an unexpected source today. And considering that this person does not hand out compliments like candy, especially to a former foe, I took it very seriously.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My hometown, Bitches!

Frankly, all of this Alaska talk makes me very very homesick and I know I'm going to get crap for this but I have to say I really like her. And when McCain kicks the bucket I'm not even that nervous about her being president simply because the woman has a brain and hasn't been tainted by being the Old-White-Boys-Club. For that reason I'm pretty okay with Obama too. Either way, it will be an interesting race and I'm okay saying she's my hometown girl and I'm kind of rooting for her. But then again I'm rooting for anyone that will actually be able to string together words that form complete sentences. I'm tired of being embarassed by the person who represents us on the world stage.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
With this ring, I thee shed...
Also this week Shannon shared the story of a professor of hers who was dragged to a divorce ceremony where you do actual vows that go something like, "With this ring, I thee shed..." I laughed...and then laughed some more.
Shamefully enough this is being written in my FLIT class during an exhilarating video on the 12th century. I can do two things at once so we're golden. I'm happy to report I got a job interview for Saturday. It's for the international marketplace at the Los Angeles Zoo. Retail...simple, normal, low-key, and hopefully on my breaks I'll allowed to go walk around and look at the animals. I hear they have penguins and that excites me. I already went on one interview for a receptionist position at a day spa-type place. Because nothing in LA is ever just normal, they mentioned that the pilot for a reality show was in the works. I'm a little relieved that I haven't gotten a second interview. I'm a huge reality fan but whats the point of being on a show where you don't win anything?
This weekend was super busy. My friends Amy and Joey ended their long trek from Florida saturday night at my front door and are now officially moved here. This also excites me. It's so nice to have part of my 'family' here and they live about one mile from me. Their new place is nice and they got a great deal. Their neighbor is totally cute and has an adorable little boy so needless to say I will be visiting often...obviously not for that reason alone...they are very calm and have good energy.
Also my friend Bethany came in from Chicago on short notice for a short visit. We are all old friends from Florida so it was like a little reunion which has been very good for the soul. We tried some totally LA things like breakfast at The Griddle, which, I have to say, is HIGHLY recommended. The wait was like 45 minutes but so worth it. The food is delicious with menu items ranging from raspberry lemon pancakes to pumpkin pancakes to an egg white scramble. We all shared the nutella french toast and got our own egg dishes that were so big we're fairly certain they scrambled up a dozen eggs or so per plate. Also, every single guy waiter was stunning. Baby Brad Pitt was my favorite but they were all spectacularly beautiful...this is LA I guess, but still. The group visit culminated in Amy, Joey, Shannon, Bethany, Julia and I all having an outstanding meal at There's No Place Like Home in Los Feliz. Also, highly recommended as the outdoor seating is expansive and cozy and the menu is superb. There was alot of laughter and alot of old story-telling.
Now it's back to school this week and I'm already exhausted, and Bethany is leaving me tomorrow. Damn her.