Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My hometown, Bitches!

It's been bizarre to watch this whole circus with Sarah Palin and I'm a little sad not to be in AK to watch the fray. Sarah is from my hometown, went to Wasilla High that I attended my freshman year, went to the church that I grew up in, her aunt was my mom's boss for's all just weird. It's not normal to know the person who is running for such an important office...2nd in command of the free world. That's big. We all know the same people, ran in the same circles, because the community in the Mat-su Valley is small and it's weird to think that people actually know where it is on the map now.
Frankly, all of this Alaska talk makes me very very homesick and I know I'm going to get crap for this but I have to say I really like her. And when McCain kicks the bucket I'm not even that nervous about her being president simply because the woman has a brain and hasn't been tainted by being the Old-White-Boys-Club. For that reason I'm pretty okay with Obama too. Either way, it will be an interesting race and I'm okay saying she's my hometown girl and I'm kind of rooting for her. But then again I'm rooting for anyone that will actually be able to string together words that form complete sentences. I'm tired of being embarassed by the person who represents us on the world stage.


Taylor said...

Sweet picture. And I'm proud to say I know exactly where that sign is. Valley girls say what!

B said...

That is remarkable. You're, what, 1 degree away from the Lincoln bedroom? That's some serious political bragging you deserve to do!