Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome to the zoo...literally

I consider it some kind of accomplishment that I seem to
be managing to post once a week. For me, the ultimate procrastinator, that's an achievement. I survived my first weekend back at work, and at a part-time job surrounded by 19 year olds no less. Funny story...

We were sitting in training talking about ourselves. The two girls I was training with are 18 and 19 and they asked how old I was. I said, "Well I'm old, I'm 27." Immediately they squealed, "OH MY GOSH, YOU DON'T LOOK THAT OLD AT ALL." It took all I had not to roll my eyes and hit them with my cane.
Anyway, my first shift certainly brought back memories - having to cash out and hope you're not too short or too over, having to explain to a pissed off woman why we can't take her husbands credit card without her husband being present, etc. Some things were new to me. My first real day was Saturday, the busiest day of the week and I had the unfortunate luck to be assigned the cash register next to the big fluff wagon. That's what I call it anyway. It's a giant machine that swirls around the cotton we use to stuff the animal skins we sell....essentially a Build-a-Bear station but with more than just bears. I managed like a pro on my first one and the rest of the ones that day, but on Sunday I totally forgot to take my foot off the pedal before removing the lion skin I was stuffing and POOF! I had white cotton from head to toe. It was pretty hilarious and I totally had it coming for laughing at my fellow newby for doing the same thing the day before. The kids of course think it's hilarious, and it really was. I forgot how exhausting it is to smile and smile and smile some more while trying to squash the three required things I have to say into a conversation with a parent who is trying to yell at their child, wrangle a stroller, and find their money all at the same time. Two hours in and I had an easy flow. I am a retail pro after all. I was waiting to actually make it through my two 8 hour shifts before tentatively saying this...but...I think I love it. As much as one can love a part-time job in retail. The people I work with are really nice, the guests are mostly great, and it's fabulous being outside in the fresh air near meerkats and otters. It's also nice being part of something. I was reminded of this as I was getting our lunch and she gave me an oversized slice of sandwich because I was staff. Did I mention they feed you for free? Only averaging 10 hours a week or so will keep me loving it too.
Someone walked by us while we were training and said, Welcome to the zoo! I totally laughed because normally when people say that they're totally kidding.

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