Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fuuuuuuuuur

I have a complaint. And since I'm not stick thin, I feel I have a right to say something. The current issue: skinny jeans. Regardless of the fact that they are a horrible fashion trend, it's made even worse by the people who choose to wear them and shouldn't: Namely guys and overweight girls. I couldn't help but notice the bombardment of pudgy females sporting skinny jeans that were at least 2 sizes smaller than they should have been even for jeans labeled 'skinny.' So I can't help but wonder if those girls were mislead into thinking that skinny jeans make your size 16 ass look like a size 6. Au contrare, mes amis. Skinny jeans mean 'for skinny people only.' You know, kind of like Apple Bottom jeans shouldn't be worn by the white chick in Adam Sandler's song 'I like small butts.' There is nothing sexy about handfuls of flab flowering out from over you waistband and below your too short shirt. Plus, they all look like some horrifying human version of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I'm plenty aware that I'm not nice, but someone should tell them. Do they not have any friends? I'll also choose to not even mention that guys should never EVER put them on. Alright, I've had my say.

Good news. I'm hacking away at my screenplay. I have now run out of sample pages on the demo version of Final Draft. and I'm wishing that there was anyway around paying $150 or so for the full version. This is a great segway into my next topic. My friend Joey just joined SAG and they have these great seminars and 'conversations' that members and a guest can attend for free. For instance they just had the cast of ER. I believe you sign up, get to be in the audience while they are asked questions by the audience or by some sort of moderator. I'm not quite sure so don't sue me if I'm wrong. Anyway, she invited me to go to the 'Business Plan for Actors' seminar on Monday night. I agreed to go thinking that it might be nice to do something out of the ordinary and also that Joey's just fun to hang out with in general. We made it down to the SAG building on Wilshire right on time and grabbed a couple seats. It was a packed house. I had so many interesting thoughts. First of all I was surprised at how not intimidated I was. I thought it would be packed with gorgeous people who were impossibly thin and talented. This was not the case. They were all very...normal. The talk was led by a working actor who also has an MBA and teaches at UCLA extension. He had alot of really good things to say about being of service and how that should be the main goal of your life. I have thought this for years. It was very interesting to hear how he incorporated it into achieving your goals as an actor. I don't feel like boring anyone further but if you're interested in specifics just give me a heads up. Anyway, the business plan was also very useful for getting anything done, including writing and marketing my screenplay.
Somehow the motivation to write has also led to motivation for other things. I got homework done, correspondence written, Netflix watched, and tons of other stuff. Shoot, I promised Christmas tree pictures. I'll get them, I swear.

Currently watching - Into the Mouth of Madness - sort of recommended if you have low standards
Currently reading - Moliere plays for FLIT - Highly recommended

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