Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful

I'm sitting here at 1:30am looking like a giant octopus because I got the fabulous idea to highlight my hair while I was at the grocery store earlier and I just now got to it. I finally sat down and went through my screenwriting book (Save the Cat by Blake Snyder...highly recommended) and followed its instructions. Without some sort of road map a script can end up trying to go from point A to point B and end up at Point U instead. I think we've all seen those movies that just go on and on and have seem to have no point. Anyway, I couldn't write anything else until I knew what I was missing.

It seems I have an endless supply of things to do. 19 credit hours is ending up to be a little more work intensive than I expected. I am busy for most of my waking minutes and when I'm not busy I probably should be doing something but am not.

I came to a realization the past couple of weeks. I don't want to date. I've been unconsciously looking for the next someone and it took being asked out by someone I might have actually dated for me to realize I'm not ready. I have no time, first of all. Anytime I have I need for everything I have going on, and distractions of that magnitude are unacceptable. I just feel like the next time I date someone I'll be closer to the person I want to become. Speaking of which...

The person I want to become is coming closer and closer to me. I'm trying a new thing where I cut out almost all refined sugar and breads/pastas/etc. It's working so fast! The weeks are flying by so before i know it its the weekend and I can have a cheat day. I also joined a co-op thing where you get fruits and veggies from a local farm once a week. It's all organic and an excellent way to support local farmers as well as eat a steady amount of fruits and veggies every week. The cost isn't alot in my opinion if you eat all your meals at home like I do. I got my first ration on Tuesday. It was fabulous. As I was munching on a raw carrot I realized I was fulfilling something I had always wanted to do. When I'm in Europe its a normal thing to get a bunch of fresh stuff from the grocery store and have a picnic, or just have a carton of berries for lunch. I always swear I'm going to do those kinds of things when I'm home and then I usually end up just stopping at Taco Bell. I just want to live the kind of life I want to live now, not someday.

PS. It's been raining non-stop until today. My poor puppies do not like to be wet. Oh, the pictures are me in DC and the Larchmont Farmers Market.

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