Thursday, June 11, 2009

Use the phrase Je t'aime with caution

It is an absolutely beautiful day today FINALLY. It's been raining for what seems like years. In reality, only since Monday. Since I've been so whiney you may wonder why I'm not outside. Well, I was. I did my normal 2 hour wander around after school schtick. I get tired and need to come home for a bit. Now I'm waiting for Julie to get here and spending some quality time on the internet since the roomates are all out for a bit. I've spent the last couple of days wandering around in the rain. Monday Karl set up an activity for us at the IMAX Geode theatre. We went to see The Alps in French. It was pretty cool because the screen is in an arc around and above you, which is so much cooler than most IMAXs that I've been to.
Tuesday after school I got lost-ish a few times. It's amazing how long you can walk around without finding a metro if you take the wrong streets. I wasn't really looking for one but by the time I happened across one I was ready to be done.
Yesterday Julie and I decided to brave the rain and go shopping after school. We didn't have too much luck with that but we did stop at this fancy place that sells Macaroons in many flavors. They were expensive at 1.50euro for a cookie the size of an oreo but I'd been instructed to try them by a few different people. We got 4 to share. I can't see the major attraction but they were pretty good. Now that we were on a sugar high I suggested we stop by the American Body Art so I could price out the tattoo I want to get. Sebastian, the guy who runs the shop, was still there and remembered me from last year. I figure its because my friend Tabitha is a wacko...he couldn't help but remember. They translated my phrase for me correctly and one of the girls drew it up for me. Times must be tough because they could have done it right then! I wasn't ready so I set an appt for Saturday at 4pm. The only problem I'm having is with placement. I wanted it by my wrist but after much negotiation I don't think that's going to work for me. First its too big to fit properly. Second, they won't put it up high enough to make me happy, which I understand why, but still. Lastly, if I do have to get a real job sooner or later I might want to be able to cover it up more easily so its been decided that it'll go on the inside of my arm right below my elbow. After completing that little expedition we trekked back home in the rain. About a block and half from the apartment it started really pouring so we got stuck under the awning of Crabtree and Evelyn for about 20 minutes. It sucked. I was dripping with water by the time we trudged into our courtyard. Julie's cousin had called and wanted us to come out to where she was with her friend for a drink or two. I really really didn't want to go because of the rain but it stopped and my pants were dry so I agreed. By this time Emma, and Lauren had arrived home with their friend from Germany who is visiting and they decided to go with us. The plan was to go to Montmartre afterwards but that never happened. It was sort of one miscommunication after another. We ended up at this Brazilian place where we had to pay 6euro to get it. We found out after we had all already eaten that this includes a meal but no drinks. However, in order to get the free meal you had to then buy a beer for 5euro. Lame! It was a pretty interesting place however because they teach you to salsa and then its kind of a free-for-all. I was in even worse 'mom' mode because I ended up holding everyones coats and purses while they went to dance. I just can't explain how little I wanted to deal with creepy guys asking me to dance. I know, I know. At some point on this trip I will lighten up, I swear. It just wasn't going to be last night. We weren't there too long but long enough that it was late and we were all desperately tired by the time we got home. I had been going all day in the cold and wet and I couldn't even keep my eyes open to finish my homework.

This morning we were pleasantly surprised to find sun shining through the window. It's after 6:30 and it's still shining. I was so pleased. I walked home from the building where I have my phonetics classes and found some great shops. On a whim I decided to stop in at St. Sulpice that's famous for The Da Vinci Code, and was pleasently surprised with an antiques market right in front. I stood drooling and coveting a complete set of Jules Verne originals. At 600euro a book I walked away fairly easily but still. I WANT! I sat in the church for awhile as I got some info today that made my head hurt. No better place to talk to your maker I suppose, and no one cares how long you sit, and it's quiet. Hurray for churches. Anyway, I hit the road again and ended up home with some marble loaf for everybody. Now I'm sleepy, and still waiting for everybody to get home.

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