Friday, November 27, 2009

'Adolf Hitler is always the answer...'

Life has been busy which has been fantastic for reminding me of just how much I can handle when it's required of me. I've been in lazy student mode for far too long. Mainly I had just been trying to survive French but with graduation looming it was time to step up the game. I have been continually reminded of how God sews everything together for you when you're on the right path. Big changes seem to come all at once, and everything started with a simple text message from a friend a little over a month ago that launched everything into high gear. The text was from a friend who rents a great house in the Studio City hills and she wanted to know if I wanted to take over her lease as she was moving out of state. After a few miracles and some negotiation I decided that it was an offer too good to not accept. The house is amazingly spacious in a really nice neighborhood approximately one mile where I live now. It has everything I could have wished for and more including a huge fenced backyard where the dogs can finally run free. My gracious friends came over on Monday and got the majority of my stuff moved in 5 trips. Tomorrow we move the furniture. Let's cross our fingers we girls can get the couch out of the house without it plummeting to the first floor. It's a grown up house for a grown up life and it finally gave me the space I needed to invest in a grown up girl bed. I'm excited!

After that unexpected surprise I have been focusing on figuring out how I'm going to pay the bills once I graduate. My new title of 'writer' has been helping me figure out what I might enjoy doing in the entertainment industry since PAing is not something I have any inclination to do. Film develoment and producing just kind of started to shove themselves in my face since that mostly has to do with script finding, rewriting, enhancing, etc. I also realized that if I wanted a job in entertainment even as assistant to a CEO that I would need some experience to put on my resume. The best way to do that is to intern. After a total scheduling fluke (read: miracle) cleared my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays next semester I decided to start applying all over town for an internship in that field. My wish list for an internship included somewhere close to home, where people were really friendly and not at all 'Ari Gold', and maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't have to dress up every single day. The very first response I got had all of these things and after a quick interview they offered me the job on Wednesday. I accepted it immediately as they have done some crazy good movies and have been doing it for a long time. I am trying my best not to be intimidated and nervous. There was a time I pretty much ran the world at my old job and had no problem balancing a dozen things at once, but it has been a long time since so much was required of me. It is also intimidating to know I'll have to write for my job and have everything I write, read by the founders. Somewhere inside I am fearful that I'll suck. I'm just trying to remind myself that this isn't brain surgery and that when I interviewed for my old job I had no idea what they were talking about when they interviewed me and explained the job. I just knew that I needed the job and that I would learn what I needed to know. I'm trying to keep that in mind for this new adventure. Mostly I am lazy and the longer you sit, sequestered on your couch, the easier it is to forget how productive you used to be. I need to reawaken the side of me that adores being crazy busy, and now doing something I really love should only make it more sweet.

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