Friday, October 16, 2009

Do you want to play a game?

Even though I was stuffy and a little delirious I had SO much fun yesterday. Well, after the heinous French Civilization midtermI had to take, I had fun. Matty texted me on my way home from school to come over and play video games. When I got to the house he was ridiculously excited and asked if I wanted to go on a treasure hunt. Of course I did! He had found some sort of Redbull hunt on Facebook where the company had hidden cases of their new shots all over the country. You follow the clues to various locations and you get to keep the cases you find. Easy right? Yeah, not so much. We drove over to Burbank and stopped for clue number one. The case was supposedly hidden behind the bus stop on Olive and Maple. I spent most of the entire time worrying that we were going to be arrested by studio security, while we both were very aware of how ridiculous we looked loitering near the bustop while Matty tramped through the shrubbery. There was no case to be found. We went to our next stop - the back of the WB. Us trying to look nonchalant went right out the window as we dove through the giant WB topiary on Riverside. Still no Redbull. A few gigantic man-eating spiders. No Redbull. We made one final stop at the Dimples parking lot but it wasn't in the cards for us. Still we had a great time, probably the most fun one can have during midterms.

Shannon just left me on Tuesday...AGAIN. Admittedly it was against her will but still. We had a nice low-key time while she was here. We had tickets to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios on Saturday and had a fantastic time. We managed to smuggle in some rum but I'll never tell how...however, there are photos. This year was themed after the SAW movies so there were plenty of actors in black wigs with pig masks running around. One managed to camp out right over my left shoulder. One of the best parts of the night was in the Halloween maze when a giant headless dummy jumped up from off the bed scaring the crap out of Matt. It was a fun night but we were all exhausted by 1am.

School is humming along but it's been like being dunked into a pool of cold water this week and next. I've hardly had any homework or projects so far so all of this preparation and work for midterms has been killer. 2 down, 4 to go... if I can just not fail I'll be excited, and that's saying something for me. My 300 level French courses have sucked out my desire to overachieve. I'm taking today off for the most part. I geniusly scheduled my upper division writing exam for tomorrow. Smack in the middle of midterms. It was obviously well thought out. No big deal really, I just have to be up at 6am on a Saturday to do an SAT style essay in 90 minutes or less. At least it'll be done with while I'm in battle mode. After that test and this semester I will only be 6 classes away from finally having my Bachelor's. Go me.

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