Monday, December 15, 2008

I love Africa/Paris/Ireland in the Springtime...

Greetings from a rainy, freezing Los Angeles. It got really cold really fast and of course I procrastinated until it was impossible to get an appt to get my pilot light lit. Forget the gas company. My mamma didn't raise an idiot so I decided to do it myself. I had a healthy fear of blowing myself up but if I went at least it'd be quick right? So I did some research online, thank goodness for the internet, and I found complete instructions on quite a few different pages. Unfortunately it wasn't working so I looked some more. Some genius of a girl had filmed the gas guy turning hers on and her heater was exactly like mine! In a matter of 30 seconds I had mine lit and I'm now toasty and warm in my apartment. This is an improvement over sleeping in a hoodie with the hood up and tied tight, two pairs of socks, sweatpants, under three heavy blankets like I did last night.

I have fun news. I'm crazy (and no, that's not the news, you knew that already) but my goal has been to see all 6 (ice sheets don't count) continents by the time I was 30. I had mentioned visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Swaziland a few years back but it never seemed right. Shannon was due to come out to Los Angeles in May so I had a brainstorm and decided to check on airline tickets. They were super reasonable so after careful thought and planning we decided to go and booked tickets. Hurray for Africa! This means I only have South America, which is planned for early 2010, and Australia/New Zealand, which are yet to be scheduled. I will be going for a week and a half and then I tentatively ditch my flight in London, take the chunnel to Paris, and do 4 weeks there for study abroad. I'm crossing my fingers that I get into the program I'm applying to.
I bought a Ped Egg tonight! What is a Ped Egg you say? It's this egg shaped thing that's essentially a cheese-grater for your hooves. It magically turns them back into feet by shaving off all the nasty dead skin. I tried it the minute I got home because my feet get gross, I don't know why, and I haven't had a real pedicure in awhile. I didn't think it took off much until I opened it up and exclaimed, "Yuck!!" in horror at the half inch of dead skin inside. Ugh I'm still grossed out. My point though, is that it works, and it's fabulous, and for $10 everyone should get one. It could be your Christmas present from me this year so watch out!

Amy, Joey, and I got alcohol and pizza tonight for a No More School Party. I haven't had a night of drinking and Phase 10 in awhile. Keep in mine I'm now a total lightweight and three drinks was my max. So sad, in a good way.

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