Monday, March 16, 2009

The Wrath of Grapes

My loathed Italian Culture professor made us all laugh when he mispronounced the title of 'The Grapes of Wrath," hence my title. That little word switch makes the plot a whole nother ball game. I picture the California Raisins brandishing pitchforks and baseball bats. Then again I entertain myself in my head alot, probably best not to share.

It has been a LONG while since I last posted. I have been busy, too busy, for reals this time! My very dear friend Jillian came the week before last and stayed through last Wednesday. It was a fantastic visit. The first night we had a little shindig with all the Florida people who now live in LA.We actually went out on Friday night. One of my first nights out in L.A. We hauled our butts downtown to where Julia lives and walked down to The Golden Gopher. It was a really cool little place with golden gopher lamps. We were having a great time until these bitchy L.A. nobodies had the bartender commandeer our table away from us. We decided to leave when some chick upchucked all over the bench near our table. I've only thrown up in public once and that was the weekend after my 21st birthday. Moderation is key...wish I'd remembered that on Wednesday. Anyway, we then walked down to 7 Grand and by this time Jillian's cousin-in-law had joined the party. The 7 Grand is a weirdo whiskey bar with ALOT of taxidermy and ALOT of people. Thanks to Felix I now have a brand new drink....Campari and oj. Round about midnight we were all very over it and starving. Luckily there's a 24 hour iHop right by Julia's and we ate our fill of breakfast. It was a really good time, but it's expensive and this is why I don't go out often. Monday Jillian and I ended up at Burke Williams for massages. I happened to have a couple of gift certificates that I had never used. It was really quite fabulous. I could use one every single day. Jillian topped off the week with really delicious facials for me, Amy, and Joey.
The rest of the week was busy and fun and intense and much needed. Now I have school to catch up on. Which, I don't really have anything due, but yet I feel terribly behind all the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah using my gift certificate.