Needed a place to keep tabs on my life now that everyday brings something new and uncertain.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Shoe drama
I leave for DC on Thursday morning. I'm looking forward to visiting Shannon. I've been rushed with all the holiday activities and now a solid work schedule. I was part of the Brown family Christmas activities this year since I couldn't go see my family. Julia and I went down for their Hanukkah celebration on Saturday. They moved it to that day just for me. I was disappointed that there were no bacon-wrapped little smokies this time. Yes, you read that right, Hanukkah and bacon-wrapped sausages...they're not very traditional. We did have latkes and brisket. After about my 25th latke I was near death...but I The argument over whether they were better with sour cream or apple sauce was fierce, but I was outvoted and the applesauce won. I graduated from child to adult and am now allowed to call Mr. Brown, Richard, but that freaks me out so I might just stick with Sir. I also spent Christmas down in the OC with them and we ate a lovely dinner at TGI Friday's with the worst server ever, and went to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was a little long but I think that it is worth another viewing or two. It was beautifully dont but it made me panicky about the brevity of life, as if I needed any help with that. I was always the child who dreamed about it being the last day of camp on the first day of camp. My anxiety about my youth or beautiful moments being over never gives me much rest. I also have some sort of odd disbelief that I will ever be old. I somehow felt that if I simply will it to be so, I will never get old and wrinkly. This all changed when I started examining my hands and thought, "Wait, were those...those weren't there before!?!" Age spots! Light brown, hardly noticeable but age spots all the same. I've now started putting sunscreen on my exposed arms and hands. Sadly it's a battle I'll inevitably lose. Maybe by the time I'm old they'll have a treatment for excessive wrinkles that is a little less barbaric and disgusting than face lifts and botox. Or maybe we should spend less money on research for such shallow things and put all the time and energy towards a cure for childhood cancer, or asthma or whatever. I have asthma and nothing else matters when you can't breathe. Hmm, I think there's a commercial that used to say that. Either way, it's very true. And for those of you who have no concept of what having asthma is like. Try the demonstration I used for a speech I did once. Go fetch yourself a couple of those teeny tiny coffee straws. Now try to breathe strictly on the air that you can suck through them. Picture it even worse if you've walked fast or been jogging and your heart rate is up. No fun.
Anyway I am pms-y so everything is a little more dramatic and worse than it would be normally. In reality everything is fine, shoes and work aside. I didn't get financial aid for study abroad. But the amazing part is that after saying a few prayers of thanks for giving me what I needed not what I wanted (the financial aid lady was super helpful getting me lower cost loans), it wasn't one hour later that my friend Lauren called to tell me that a certain other bit of money was available for me and it will more than cover my study abroad and some debts that I have....for free. I was trying to get God to help me get a 6,000 dollar loan approved and 9,000 dollars was provided instead. It seems the older I get or the more in tune I am with myself and/or the universe, the easier it is to have faith and watch the pieces of life fall into place. This is of course when you're headed in the right direction. It's almost as if I can feel the cogs turns slowly into place so that not only what I need but also the things I most desire shift towards me and fall into my lap. I am incredibly grateful for how everything has been provided and not just my basic needs but the most amazing wishes are coming my way. I've always dreamed of living in Paris and now I get to for over a month. Time to wander by myself, to visit markets...I didn't NEED to go really. I could have somehow managed getting into graduate school without it, but it happened.
I doubt I will have time to write again before the New Year, so to anyone reading this I hope you make resolutions and remain resolute in fulfilling them. Your main resolution should be to live your most amazing life and I hope that everyone I love fulfills their greatest potential. Shannon and I are sending to each other a list of 'I wills.' It can be as long or as short as you want but I truly believe that words have power. Speak what you want, speak it often, write it down, doodle it on a notebook...just put it out into the universe because you will never get what you want without asking for it. My church has podcasts and I was listening to a story I'd heard plenty of times before from the Bible but Erwin's take on it was really interesting. It's the story of Jesus healing the blind man. In it the blind man comes up to Jesus and Jesus asks him, "What do you want?" Well, Him being God and all shouldn't he have already known? And God or not it's kind of obvious that the blind man isn't going to ask a known healer for a new cane or better hearing to make up for his lack of eyesight. NO! He's going to ask to see. The purpose of Jesus asking him what he wanted was because there is power in asking for what you desire. Because nothing can be given to you without you asking for it first. This is why we must be careful what we ask for and also not ask for so little that we shortchange ourselves. What if God wanted to make us an Olympic champion but we only pray, "God, it'd be really nice if I could get good enough to win the state championship." Dream big, ask big. My 'I will' list includes things that may or may not be in my control but that I want to see happen. 'I will' has more power than 'I wish' or 'I would like.' So go ahead, make your 'I will' list and share it with somebody. Go crazy.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I love Africa/Paris/Ireland in the Springtime...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Bad spellers of the world, untie!
I just recently heard someone say that guilt is a useless emotion. That is so true. I skipped classes today because I got sick last night and only slept for like 2 hours. I missed my alarm so I missed the one class I needed to be at. After that I just decided to stay home. Thank goodness my first class doesn't start until 12:30 next semester. Someone had left the E! channel on (Joey!) and I ended up watching episode after episode of E! True Hollywood Story. Luckily they were on Ellen and Reese Witherspoon. I was typing up pages of my screenplay while I watched so all was not lost. Oh, my point was that I feel so guilty about skipping. It's MY education and MY grades after all. I've got tentative A's in all my classes, or at worst, 2 are borderline B's. My guilt is why I never called into work or missed a day of high school. I only have one official day of classes left. I have alot to do for finals but I keep pushing it off. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the bulk of reading out of the way. But seriously, say 'no' to guilt.
I had a 'come-to-Jesus' with myself yesterday...technically Wednesday, as it's now late. If you'll remember, my mood was in a terrible slump. I knew that the only cure for that was what I've been talking about doing since Shannon know...actually getting off my ass and doing some activity that does not involve wearing a groove in the floor between the couch and the kitchen. Anyway, I woke up later than I'd set my alarm for and I kept going back and forth in my head about going to Laurel Canyon for a hike. I washed the dishes, I showered, I shaved my legs, I texted Amy to see if she wanted to go, I walked the dogs. Finally I got dressed in my tennis shoes and workout clothes and went. I thought the initial hill would kill me since it's been months since I've been active. My breathing has also been bad because I've run out of my normal inhalers. I was happily surprised that I only had to stop once to take my inhaler. It took me a bit longer than normal to go up and back but I did it. All by myself, for the first time ever. I felt amazing all day, and I was really productive. Of course today Granny needs two new hips and possibly a new shin or two but that will pass. I have never once kept up an exercise routine all on my own. I always had someone else wake me up and make me go for the most part. It's just once and my goal is 4 to 5 times a week, but it's a start.
I had a really great talk with Joey today. She stopped by unexpectedly and I was home unexpectedly but it was perfect. I've been stressing out about my writing because the story, although in fiction form, has very detailed conversations and events that actually happened. The story is very personal, as it's my own story, and I'm nervous to have people read it. She had alot of good things to say about being brave. I should be glad that it scares me, we don't grow by doing things that make us feel comfortable. We also discussed the topic of dreams/goals. Tam got a fortune cookie one time that said, "What if you COULD get everything you ever wanted?" or something like that. It's definitely something to think about. Which is more scary: getting all your wildest dreams or not getting them? I remember when I first moved to L.A. and I went on an interview to be Christina Aguilera's personal assistant on her tour. I was driving home when it hit me that all it would take is one 'yes' from the person hiring and all of a sudden I would be on the doorstep to everything I had ever wanted. I remember having to pull over because I was crying so hard. The funny part is, I wasn't crying out of happiness, or sadness that I might not get it, but out of sheer terror that it might actually happen. We all get so used to wanting, whatever it might be that we want, that the wanting almost becomes like a drug. If someone wanted to hand us all of our hearts desires would we turn and walk away? I don't want wanting to be enough. I want to get there and then see what's beyond. There are certain things I've wanted so long, such as being a healthy weight, having an amazing boyfriend, writing a book, finishing college, etc, etc, that they all feel almost so unattainable they're of mythic proportions. I know that they COULD happen but my faith that they will happen is more up there with the idea that Prince William will fall madly in love with me and I become a princess. Sure it's something you think about (at least I used to before Harry became the hot one), but what are the odds. Those things shouldn't be in that category. Most of those are up to me and how much self-discipline I have. Well...everything but the boyfriend, and I am actually in college finishing. However, I don't want to turn 28 this next year and still be self-medicating myself into complacency with TV, computer games, and everything else I let myself get distracted by because it's easier.
PS. Went to see Twilight finally. Julia and I giggled insanely through the whole mess as did the other 4 people in the theatre with us. Twilight is the least interesting of all four books so in a way I'm glad they're doing the other ones. I tell you, if I had to see one more tortured, struggling look from Edward or another awkward roll in the grass with both of them I might have poked my own eyes out. It WAS pretty funny because both Edward and Jasper looked less like they were struggling not to kill somone and more like they were trying desperately not to vomit. It didn't help that evertime it happened Julia kept whispering, "I'm going to be sick, I'm going to be SICK!" I think it would be awesome to have a silent showing where the audience just yells out their own dialogue. It would be high-larious!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Death of a Bicycleman
Naturally my semi bi-polar self, after having such a lovely day, had to drop back down to the depths. The last two days have been shamefully sad and hopeless for no discernible reason. To top off the general angst, I have a traumatizing story to tell. Today as I was driving to work I had an incident with a bicycler. It had to happen someday, what with all the retards of L.A. either riding a bicycle or stepping without looking into a barely marked crosswalk. Those people must think they have some sort of force field surrounding them that makes them impervious to 2,000lb vehicles driving 50 miles an hour....they can stop them with sheer will power you see. Normally I take this into account and watch so carefully, but you can't see whats behind you. I don't really know what happened. All I heard was a bunch of cursing and shouting. I thought I'd run over a cone or something and the parking guy was yelling at me. Turns out there was a man down on a bicycle. He must have hit me or, I him, when I was turning right into the parking lot. And just in case the LAPD runs across this blog, I stopped, checked with him to make sure he was ok, offered to call someone, and he just continued to yell at me and then walked away. The last person I should call when something like this happens is my mother. Who, bless her heart (that was for you Shan), has the best of intentions towards helping me out, but usually just ends up making me more upset. I called Shannon first, and the douche didn't answer, of course. I was freaked out and upset so I called mom. By the time I got off the phone I fully expected that there was a Sheriff's Posse, air support, and most of LAPD out in force looking for the rogue bicycle maimer that left the scene of the crime. I stopped by our security office, they let me know that there was nothing to be done. However, by the time I got to my bosses office they simply had to ask me if I was okay before I proceeded to burst into hysterical tears. They were really nice about it but I hate crying at work. It's such a girl thing to do. Anyway, by the time I left tonight I was ready to crawl into a hole and never emerge again. Luckily today is Julia's birthday so I was required by the People-who-have-been-friends-for Over-10-Years Codebook to suck it up and go out. I'm very glad that I did because I feel moderately more sane. It's always good to be the one who's friends are almost all older than her.
In other news, I've been watching Alias non-stop. I HIGHLY recommend the show, against my wishes I totally love it. Amy has 4 seasons on DVD and I'm up to Season 3. And, if I haven't mentioned it yet. GO SEE ROCKNROLLA! I'm not kidding. It's been out awhile so it might be out of theatres near you but you can put it on your Netflix now. As for me, it's purchase-worthy, which says alot. FYI, 60 pages in on the screenplay. It's not like I haven't been doing stuff, like school, work, and writing, yet I still feel like a lazy-ass. Maybe I'm too hard on myself.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fuuuuuuuuur

Good news. I'm hacking away at my screenplay. I have now run out of sample pages on the demo version of Final Draft. and I'm wishing that there was anyway around paying $150 or so for the full version. This is a great segway into my next topic. My friend Joey just joined SAG and they have these great seminars and 'conversations' that members and a guest can attend for free. For instance they just had the cast of ER. I believe you sign up, get to be in the audience while they are asked questions by the audience or by some sort of moderator. I'm not quite sure so don't sue me if I'm wrong. Anyway, she invited me to go to the 'Business Plan for Actors' seminar on Monday night. I agreed to go thinking that it might be nice to do something out of the ordinary and also that Joey's just fun to hang out with in general. We made it down to the SAG building on Wilshire right on time and grabbed a couple seats. It was a packed house. I had so many interesting thoughts. First of all I was surprised at how not intimidated I was. I thought it would be packed with gorgeous people who were impossibly thin and talented. This was not the case. They were all very...normal. The talk was led by a working actor who also has an MBA and teaches at UCLA extension. He had alot of really good things to say about being of service and how that should be the main goal of your life. I have thought this for years. It was very interesting to hear how he incorporated it into achieving your goals as an actor. I don't feel like boring anyone further but if you're interested in specifics just give me a heads up. Anyway, the business plan was also very useful for getting anything done, including writing and marketing my screenplay.
Somehow the motivation to write has also led to motivation for other things. I got homework done, correspondence written, Netflix watched, and tons of other stuff. Shoot, I promised Christmas tree pictures. I'll get them, I swear.
Currently watching - Into the Mouth of Madness - sort of recommended if you have low standards
Currently reading - Moliere plays for FLIT - Highly recommended
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Speed-dating with a Highway Patrolman
I stopped in Quartzsite which is right before the Cali border, to get gas and food. As I was pulling back onto the highway I noticed a State Trooper just chilling by the side of the road. As I glance in my rear view mirror he turns on his lights and gets on the road. I glance around and think, "Oh crap, I'm the only one out here." Seeing that I wasn't speeding I figured it had to be a light out or something. The trooper comes up to the drivers window, asks for my license, insurance, and registration, and then tells me my license plate light is out. How nice. He then asks me to step back to his squad car. Immediately I think, "What the hell?" I had just heard on the news about women getting pulled over by fake officers and I got a little scared. I walked back there and he shows me which light is if I'm too stupid to figure out that the 'light above the license plate', is INDEED the light above the license plate. As he's filling out the ticket/work order warning, these are the things he asks me. (I make none of these up.) -So what were you doing in Arizona? -Did you grow up there? -No, Alaska, huh? What town? - What did you get at Carl's Jr.? (where I just stopped) -How WAS your crispy chicken sandwich? - How do you like your Jeep? - How's the gas mileage? - What do you do for work in CA?
Seriously? Listen, Buster, you're giving me a lame-o ticket, we're not speed dating here.
I have no idea what Mr. Over-achiever was trying to accomplish, but I guess you get bored sitting on a highway in the middle of nowhere for hours at a time. Anyway, I got home in record time after figuring out I've been taking a lame way all the times before.
Wednesday I had the unfortunate need to get two tires replaced. I hate going to places like that as a girl. They're just so weird about it. I got told I smelled nice, which maybe is why I got a discount, so I guess there's that. I had to do an emergency run to the Getty Museum because I left an assignment until the very last minute. It's a really nice museum with an amazing view of all of Los Angeles. Although sadly enough I'm still museum-burnt-out from this summer's Europe excursion.
Today I got out of my lab super early and stopped by Target to get a few last minute things for our Christmas tree decorating party that we had tonight. Obviously, my tree at my house. No one else is nutty enough to already have there's up. I did promise pictures and I will do so next time I write. So I was on my way home, and I thought for a minute and decided that I was so looking forward to the get together and that I was feeling something close to super happy. After I got home I had to clean out the storage space that's mine in the carport area, in order to get to the Christmas decorations bin. I remembered that I had been worried about a large box of stuffed animals that I'd put in there in January. I should have checked ages ago but I wasn't really concerned until just recently. Turns out my worst fears were realized and that a rat had nested in there at some point. I'm still incredibly freaked out by the thought and am traumatized because I went through it animal by animal and had to throw away some things I've had since I was a baby. It was disgusting. I hate rats. I think it's the book 1984, at the end, where they threaten to put rats in a box on top of someones stomach as a means of torture... that ruined me. We didn't have rats in Alaska to my knowledge. Anyway, my good mood deflated, whether because of that or something else. But again...there IS nothing wrong, I just can't stop the niggling feeling that there is. Maybe it's the weather. It seems whenever I smell the cold winter air it takes me back to last year at exactly this time when I really didn't like myself all that much. It was such a dark time and the residue of all of that remains. I guess I'm not sure how to make it go away, maybe it will when we reach this time next year and I can smell winter in the air without being taken back to a dozen shameful or embarrassing memories.
Regardless of rats and not being deliriously happy, the decorating was really fun. Amy, Julia, and Joey came over and we ordered pizza and watched Love Actually, which is the perfect holiday film. I actually ended up with more ornaments than I needed. This is surprising since my tree is HUGE. I mean it's really really large. 7.5ft tall and 4.5ft at the base. The angel's head doesn't quite reach the ceiling but it's close. It is, however, so incredibly beautiful. I am a sucker for Christmas, and Christmas trees are my undoing. Ever since I was little my favorite thing to do was sit in the dark with the tree lights on, listening to Christmas music. That this tree is all my own...well, it sounds lame but it feels like a tiny step towards actually being a grownup...or something like that. There are just enough ornaments that my mom gave me from when we were growing up, to make it all come together as truly mine. Now as long as my puppies don't eat the fake icicles off the tree, or any of the ornaments, we'll be all set.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Joy is a choice OR Happiness is optional
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Christmas Trees are people too
For those not suffering here in California, I'd just like to let you all know that it's still hot. Still summer. It's not fair! I'm ready for comfy sweatshirts and jeans on a chilly night. I'm ready to not use my air-conditioner anymore. I'm ready for rain, and marginally cleaner air. I am sneezing my head off worse than usual. Dear Mr. Weather, I hate your stinking guts....
In spite of the weather outside it's starting to feel very holidayish. We went to Disneyland for Shannon's last hurrah on Wednesday and they were all decorated for Halloween, and the Haunted Mansion was already switched over to the Nightmare Before Christmas settings, which run from now into the new year. I've decided I'm a real grown-up (sort of) and decided to buy a Christmas tree this year. I just purchased it via and the free 'ship to store.' I am SO excited. I have a big front window to put it in and if you didn't know, there isn't anything I love more than Christmas...except for maybe my birthday. I don't normally get into all that sappy, cutesy housewares and decoration stuff but here comes Christmas and all of a sudden I find myself seriously contemplating that $35 baking pan for 8 mini bread loafs that have Christmas shaped indentations on the bottom for shaped bread. Adorable little christmas gift-shaped napkin rings, cake platters, punch's bad news bears. Luckily a lack of funds has me restraining myself for the most part, but since I plan on spending quite a bit of time by myself I figure a nice tree of my very own will be just the thing to accompany a cup of hot coffee, and my 'N Sync Christmas album. YES, I just said 'N Sync....I LOVE that album. Shut it.
Also, none of this real tree crap. I bought a good old-fashioned fake tree, like the kind I grew up with. I have serious problems seeing all the poor little abandoned, DEAD trees, laying like carcasses all over the city once the holidays are done. They used to be loved, they used to be the beautiful centerpieces of people's time of joyful giving, now just forgotten about and dead. I would feel guilt, more guilt than I could handle. I have a real problem with giving inanimate objects thoughts and feelings. Imagine me with my dolls and stuffed animals as a child. I could never throw them around or leave them on the floor because what if it hurt their feelings? Needless to say, Toy Story did nothing to help me get over these issues. I have a huge amount of guilt this very minute over the fact that my old Cabbage Patch dolls are currently stuffed in a Von Dutch bag in the top of my closet. Oh! Shouldn't have thought of that...oh no...what if they can't breathe? I try to push it out of my head but alas, knowing me I'd have an old dead tree sitting in my living room for the next 5 years or I'd have to transport it to a faraway location to drop it off. It would feel too much like commiting murder and dumping the body.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Welcome to the zoo...literally
I consider it some kind of accomplishment that I seem to
be managing to post once a week. For me, the ultimate procrastinator, that's an achievement. I survived my first weekend back at work, and at a part-time job surrounded by 19 year olds no less. Funny story...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Chickens with Chainsaws
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
One is the Loneliest Number aka Insomnia - Episode 382

Friday, September 26, 2008
Death makes me think too much
Friday, September 19, 2008
Fat little Mii
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Run little hamster, run

To the left you'll see my friend Bethany in Santa Monica. I was particularly proud of the photo so I'm sharing it.
I have had a headache for days. When I say headache I mean that it feels like I could have a 1lb brain tumor pushing on my skull. It's possible that the hamster in the wheel in my head is trying to make a break for it through my ear...hmmmm...that could be a problem. At any rate, I'm dropping smoking and these diet pill things I've been on. I need to do both of those anyway so keep your fingers crossed. It's hard to jog when you're gasping for breath.
Things have quieted down at my house, sort of. I've been keeping busy with visiting friends and I've started working for my two friends Kerstin and Tami to construct their website. They've got a fabulous business selling unique baby gifts and once I'm done with the website I'll post the link here so you can go look. I'm trying not to be totally annoyed that I did not get the job with the zoo. I'm not entirely sure why I didn't get a call but it didn't bode well when she said, "I wanted to give a wide range of people a chance but after looking at your resume, well, I just couldn't help but wonder why you'd want to work here?" I thought I made it very clear that I needed something very part-time, something VERY simple. It reminded me of that scene from American Beauty:
Mr. Smiley's Manager: I don't think you'd fit in here.
Lester: I have fast food experience.
Mr. Smiley's Manager: Yeah, like twenty years ago!
Lester: Well, I'm sure there have been amazing technological advances in the industry, but surely you must have some sort of training program. It seems unfair to presume I won't be able to learn.
She also made comments about how I've always moved up to management and I certainly hope she wasn't in fear for her job. I couldn't even begin to guess. Julia was mistaken and they don't have penguins there anyway, so whatever. It must be God's way of telling me to get my butt in gear and write my book, that I have actually started, by the way. Maybe by telling everyone I'll be pressured into finishing it. Speaking of which, I got a compliment on my writing from an unexpected source today. And considering that this person does not hand out compliments like candy, especially to a former foe, I took it very seriously.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My hometown, Bitches!

Frankly, all of this Alaska talk makes me very very homesick and I know I'm going to get crap for this but I have to say I really like her. And when McCain kicks the bucket I'm not even that nervous about her being president simply because the woman has a brain and hasn't been tainted by being the Old-White-Boys-Club. For that reason I'm pretty okay with Obama too. Either way, it will be an interesting race and I'm okay saying she's my hometown girl and I'm kind of rooting for her. But then again I'm rooting for anyone that will actually be able to string together words that form complete sentences. I'm tired of being embarassed by the person who represents us on the world stage.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
With this ring, I thee shed...
Also this week Shannon shared the story of a professor of hers who was dragged to a divorce ceremony where you do actual vows that go something like, "With this ring, I thee shed..." I laughed...and then laughed some more.
Shamefully enough this is being written in my FLIT class during an exhilarating video on the 12th century. I can do two things at once so we're golden. I'm happy to report I got a job interview for Saturday. It's for the international marketplace at the Los Angeles Zoo. Retail...simple, normal, low-key, and hopefully on my breaks I'll allowed to go walk around and look at the animals. I hear they have penguins and that excites me. I already went on one interview for a receptionist position at a day spa-type place. Because nothing in LA is ever just normal, they mentioned that the pilot for a reality show was in the works. I'm a little relieved that I haven't gotten a second interview. I'm a huge reality fan but whats the point of being on a show where you don't win anything?
This weekend was super busy. My friends Amy and Joey ended their long trek from Florida saturday night at my front door and are now officially moved here. This also excites me. It's so nice to have part of my 'family' here and they live about one mile from me. Their new place is nice and they got a great deal. Their neighbor is totally cute and has an adorable little boy so needless to say I will be visiting often...obviously not for that reason alone...they are very calm and have good energy.
Also my friend Bethany came in from Chicago on short notice for a short visit. We are all old friends from Florida so it was like a little reunion which has been very good for the soul. We tried some totally LA things like breakfast at The Griddle, which, I have to say, is HIGHLY recommended. The wait was like 45 minutes but so worth it. The food is delicious with menu items ranging from raspberry lemon pancakes to pumpkin pancakes to an egg white scramble. We all shared the nutella french toast and got our own egg dishes that were so big we're fairly certain they scrambled up a dozen eggs or so per plate. Also, every single guy waiter was stunning. Baby Brad Pitt was my favorite but they were all spectacularly beautiful...this is LA I guess, but still. The group visit culminated in Amy, Joey, Shannon, Bethany, Julia and I all having an outstanding meal at There's No Place Like Home in Los Feliz. Also, highly recommended as the outdoor seating is expansive and cozy and the menu is superb. There was alot of laughter and alot of old story-telling.
Now it's back to school this week and I'm already exhausted, and Bethany is leaving me tomorrow. Damn her.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Panic, it's the new calm
You'll be relieved to know that I survived my first full week at school. There have been ups, there have been downs, actually there have been full fledged mental breakdowns involving screaming, crying, and cursing of the LAPD...but I survived. I have to say that I really like my school. I do NOT like the $324 I had to pay for a parking permit, but at least they have ample parking and you don't have to get there an hour before class and car-stalk people so that you can find a space like I had to at my last school. So far I've been able to blend in and pass for well under 25 so score one for me and one for my expensive eye cream that keeps me looking young and fresh.
I am taking Logic, European Lit, Geography and lab (barf), French, and Humanities. Oh and for those who don't know, I'm majoring in Languages and Cultures with a French Emphasis. That just means I get to pick from a larger selection of lit and hum courses than if I were a strict french major and that's how I like it. So for the fun stuff, some interesting anecdotes from my first week...
First off my Hum professor is crazy and/or on drugs. He spent 45 minutes of our first class playing with a teeny, color-coded child's piano and muttering about pot, beer bongs, and the girls he dated in 1962. He also spoke of random fantasies involving Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain....*shudder* His mad ramblings had the whole class giggling and wide-eyed in horror. We are all now fast friends.
I did happen to miss the 2nd session of my 8am class because LAPD couldn't direct their way out of a paper bag. Traffic's been a little sketchy being that everyone is actually attending the first weeks of class but I allotted for that and left over an hour early to make a drive that normally takes 25 minutes door to door. This was not enough as I was forced to sit in my car for 35 minutes just looking at the parking garage that was 50 feet away. Bastards! The 8am professor's kind of a dick and locks the door at 8:05 so I was stuck outside at 8:10 when I finally made it inside the building. Oh well, more time to read for FLIT 295a.
My first week ended with a near brain aneurism as I muddled my way through 2 hours and 45 minutes of a science lab. I now know all about latitude and longitude and have calculated the airmiles in between Memphis, TN, and Tokyo. My career as a pirate is off to a great start now that I've got the whole navigation thing in the bag. Take THAT Jack Sparrow, screw you AND your magic compass.
Mostly I'm very glad to be back in school. If I get all the classes I need I've only got 1 and a half years to go (i'm ignoring that this one just started.) I've met some really nice people and am doing my best to re-enter the land of the living. I do have to say, though, that if there were some way to make money sitting on my couch watching Stargate episodes I'd take it. Since there isn't, I guess this education thing will do. I'm panicked and stressed because I have no more income coming to me, period, and my loans are MIA. With Shannon always a half step and a strong breeze away from 'the bad place' it doesn't do for me to be up in the tower with her. I keep holding onto my faith that everything will turn out, but that thin veil of sanity is slowing slipping away as my rent is due and my savings account is now completely depleted after I pay it. I just remembered about my 401k tonight but has it really come to this??? Talk about last resorts and bottom of the barrel...